Cleaning And Repair Tips For A Stove Burner
A stove is an important piece of kitchen equipment that seldom gets the maintenance that it requires. Cleaning the burners, for example, is something that is often put off until a once yearly "spring cleaning." If you don't clean your burners regularly, the cooked on grime can cause fires and compromise the integrity of the burner itself. The best time for burner cleaning is right after a spill, but even burners that receive meticulous care can wear out and require repairs.
Cleaning Stove Burners
While it is best to prevent spills in the first place, even the most careful cooks can have a bad day. If you do have a spill, you should immediately shut off the burner in question, let it cool, and clean it. Not only will this help prevent fires, but it will protect the burner itself from corrosion. If you continue to use the burner, then the grime gets cooked on and is that much harder to clean. Once the burner has cooled, use the following steps to clean it:
1. Unplug it from the stove.
2. Clean it with a mild detergent and a soft cloth, but be careful not to get the electrical connections wet.
3. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
4. Dry with a soft cloth.
5. Plug it back in.
Replacing a Burner that Doesn't Work
There are two signs that a burner is damaged. For one, the welds that connect the burner to the supports that keep it from falling into the drip tray can break and the burner won't support the weight of a pan. The second sign is that the burner no longer works like it should. In either case, you cannot repair a damaged burner. Instead, it is best to buy a new one. You may be able to find a replacement burner at a supply store, or you could order one online. Just make sure the burner you order matches the make, model, and size of the burner you are replacing. Once your burner arrives, it is a simple matter of removing the damaged burner and plugging in the new one.
Some stove repair and maintenance tasks are easy enough to tackle on your own, but some tasks are a little more complicated. If you have to replace the electrical components of a stove, for example, you should leave such a repair to a properly trained appliance-repair technician. Still, it doesn't hurt to do a little preventative maintenance on your own to avoid problems and a little troubleshooting before you call in the professionals. For more information, contact a company like D & T Appliance Service.